"God expects you to have enough faith and determination and enough trust in Him to keep moving, keep living, keep rejoicing. In fact, He expects you not simply to face the future (that sounds pretty grim and stoic); He expects you to embrace and shape the future--to love it and rejoice in it and delight in your opportunities."

~Elder Holland, Apostle of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

Saturday, December 6, 2008

We had such a Good Time!

It was so fun to see everybody for Thanksgiving! Joe and I had a really good time. It was fun to meet Laura and J.J. also, now I can picture them when they are mentioned. What was the favorite thing we did? I liked singing Christmas songs, playing Wii, and cooking together. And of course eating Thanksgiving dinner! I think Joe's favorite thing was getting expert level in as many Wii games as he could! I don't know when we'll all be together again, but I hope it is before next Christmas! Love,
~Jenny (and Joe) :)

Monday, September 8, 2008

Not -so- old anymore

So I guess I found a few more things to write about. Plus I liked re-designing everything. :)
Some funny substitute teaching stories:

-A 3rd grade girl fell asleep in class. I though she was faking until she fell off of her chair!

-A 3rd grade boy tried to leave early from school 15min. before the final bell rang. He told me he was done, and wanted to be out in the sun!

-Completely out of the blue, a 3rd grade girl told me, " I know how to make babies. But I don't want to say." (this same girl had trouble spelling the word "it") !!!

Never a dull moment!


Today's List: Under-appreciated Drinks
1. chocolate milk
2. strawberry lemonade
3. homeade smoothies

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Gov. Sarah Palin

A McCain campaign staffer warned Gov. Palin that the media and the Obama campaign would go after her like crazy. A no-holds-bar bar approach. Anything goes.

And boy oh boy have they. They are so disgustingly low it would be unbelievable until you remember who we're talking about here.

Gov. Palin's answer to that staffer was, "You know the difference between a hockey mom and a pit bull? Lipstick."

I think she is my hero.


(quoted from the Rush Limbaugh show, 9/2/08)

Thursday, August 14, 2008

See New Blog

Okay, obviously this blog isn't working. There just isn't anything interesting going on and I'm not a good enough writer to make everyday things funny or worth reading about. So I will direct you to the newest blog (this one actually gets updated) that is really a family blog. It works because all my immediate family members (the Dangerfields) can post on it. It is a cool way to have discussions and see what is going on in each others lives. Warning: You may get to know my crazy family better than you would like! haha But you are welcome to read and comment! So to the blog we go!


And this my friends is the end, thank you very much.

Monday, May 12, 2008

In the Classroom

Ahh the substitute teacher - fresh meat....

And that is why I only sub in elementary school. Where they are at least a little afraid of you. Or so I thought. I sent two kindergardeners to the office the other day! One for defiance and the other for hitting! Now this isn't normal, but it is a little disturbing, I mean these are 5 and 6 year olds. (is sub-ing spelled with 1 b or 2???)
Overall though, subing is a great job, it's relatively easy (although extremely exhausting!) and it is very flexible. It can be fun or awful depending on the class you get and some children can be very sweet. I have gotten a few pictures drawn and cute little note from some first-graders. There's nothing better to make you feel good than "you are the best teacher" or " I love you" or " will you stay in our class longer" or "You're nice". Anyway, if you are considering subing it's really worth a look.
Grades I have been in so far:

Pretty fun stuff, never a dull moment!

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Ode to Bakersfield

So. Here we are in Bakersfield. Actually we have been here for almost 5 months now. It was so strange and quiet at first (anywhere is quiet compared to Los Angeles) with all new smells and views and people. We love our house, finally a space of our own, even if we are still renting! Our landlords leave a lot to be desired, but we think they are still good people at heart. They actually live a few hours away in Santa Barbara which is good and bad.

Bakersfield is a nice enough city. There are a lot of people here (600,000) and the ones we have met have been very nice. Our ward at church is great although we desperately miss our good friends in L.A. Luckily we are still close enough to go back down for a baby blessing or shower, a birthday or get-together. We probably do this more than we should, but we have probably spent at least 1/3 of all our weekends so far either in L.A. or with Joe's parents in Riverside.

Bakersfield gets a bad rap from most Californians.

The reasons I think it does are these:

1. Most people have not been here, or have only seen farms and desert from the freeway.

2. It used to be a tiny hicktown with mostly cowboys and oil companies.

3. It is in the most conservative county in California.

4. People here are not filthy rich.

5. I have no idea, it's pretty nice here.

Anyway, the only real difficulties we have had is in finding a job for me. Soon however, I will be the world's best subsitute teacher. Yay! Finally all the paperwork will be in and done. Joe is working ten times harder and longer than they said he would need to when they transfered him up here. That is really frustrating, but hopefully it will get better by May and I'll get to see him more. Overall, we think we have made the right decision by moving here and welcome anyone who is looking for a friendly, relaxing place, to join us. Visitors and neighbors are always welcome. As bumper stickers all over town say:

Bakersfield; Life as it should be.