Our dear baby has been part of our family for a year and a half! I can't believe time has passed so quickly! Here are some new pictures of our little angel. She is talking and talking more all the time. She says new words every day, it's always surprising. She has some cute names for some things.
She says phone as "foon"
She can say her name! "tate"
water is "wadoo"
milk is "meee-ulk"
truck is "tuck"
Cate loves to say "rooaarrr! whenever she sees a lion, tiger, bear, etc. Or if she is trying to be scary.
She loves music and loves to dance. She includes lots of arm movements and bouncing, it's adorable!
She loves all forms of electronic technology. Cell phones, computers, digital cameras, tv's, etc. She prefers to play with these instead of with her toys. She knows how to "use" the mouse on the computer and enjoys pushing buttons on the keyboard, camera, and our phones. When we go to the library she spends the majority of her time either climbing into the computer chairs or walking around saying hi to people.
She is such a social butterfly! She says hi to everyone we walk by and loves to see and be around other kids. She is not shy at all and loves to ham it up and be the center of attention.
We love our little Catherine!
She is so cute! Toddlers can be exhausting, but that age is also so much fun!
She is such a doll! I can't believe how big she is. I love the picture at the playground with the goofy face! Awesome!
Cute, cute pictures! They grow so fast...
She has grown so much! What a doll!
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